

I've been playing around with the idea of setting one of these up for a while, and here I am, making my first and last update of the year.

I think that 2008 has been pretty good for me. I finally graduated college, and got the best present from the best boyfriend =). We went on a cruise to Cozumel, Mexico in May, which was awesome. The summer wasn't so great because a job was really hard to come by. I finally got a call back from a veterinary hospital here on the Island and it's been going great there since August. In the 4 months I've been there, I've made it all the way up to being one of the 3 main techs there (the other 2 are the manager and a guy that's been there for 5 years), which is quite the accomplishment if you know the head doctor there. Overall everyone there has been so good to me and have helped me so much. Christmas last week was good too, got to hang out with the family and Matt for a bit, got to work a bunch haha. All in all this year has been good. In the past week, I've realized how much my best friend and my boyfriend really understand, and know me, and I love them for it.

I probably began this on a not-so-good day. Work was a little depressing today, with an abuse case that came in and all. ::rant!:: I really can't believe some people and how they treat other living things. Sometimes I think that for what some people to to animals, they deserve a punishment equivalent to what they would get if they did the same thing to a human. Things like that just really piss me off to no end.

Next year seems to hold some promise too. I plan on taking one or two classes at CSI so I can apply to veterinary school, probably to St. George's in Grenada and Ross in Saint Kitt's. And of course I plan on continuing my job at SIVG because it's awesome (and getting a raise would be even more awesome.) So that's it, that's my year in a nutshell.

"In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain."