
Too much SVU, not enough Shaun White!

So I've had a dream hiatus! Nothing noteworthy in a while! Let's see...

Two nights ago I had a dream that Shaun White and I were good friends and were hanging out. I might have to explain a little bit here though...my mom had picked out a few guys to be her future son-in-laws: first there was Derek Jeter, then a few years ago there was Apollo Ohno. Then in 2006 came the "flying tomato", Shaun White. And since the Olympics have been on this week, he's been a popular topic in my house.

Last night was a little more detailed. My parents were going away on vacation, so I was outside saying goodbye to them before they drove off. I noticed a creeper standing on our property, so after they left I just went inside and locked all the doors. Apparently I took a shower because then I was in a towel. I saw the guy outside the house looking in the windows, so I ran upstairs to my room. When I got up there I heard a door shutting, so then I was thinking, "shit, he's in the house." So I jump into my bed and pull the covers over my head as I hear him rummaging in my dad's room across the hall. I try calling 911 as quietly as I can, but the line was busy, so I try texting 911 my address and what's going on. Then my door opens, and someone sits on the bed. I then feel tapping on my shin and I peek out. He's sitting there at the edge of my bed just smiling at me. His face seems to be covered in shadow the whole time of course. Then someone else steps out from behind him. This one is someone that I know, however. The second guy just looks at me, and then grabs me from the bed and holds my arms behind my back. I try kicking but to my disappointment, it does nothing as he grabs at my towel. (Then next part is very disturbing to me, and I'm thinking I watch too much L&O: SVU, so you can imagine what happens.) Then this switches to just me and the second guy, the one that I know, but this time I'm looking right at him, and I'm not fighting. There is a second part to this dream but now that it is later I cannot remember all of it. The only part that I can recall is my "rescuer" of sorts, who is of course, none other than Shaun White.

Well hopefully this means I'll be back into my dreams! No more dream blocks!