
Nice boobs

I'm beginning to find a trend here....this last one also somewhat involved a previous acquaintance of mine that recently got a surgical enhancement. To understand this the best, one would have to know her. In my dream I was wearing this really nice long beach dress that was flattering. I had multiple people telling me that my boobs were perfect. Perfect size and perfect shape. This then upset said acquaintance.

I'm thinking my subconscious is trying to tell me I need to boost my confidence and self esteem, which I'm working on!


Rockin the washboard abs

So this one involves 2 people that are definitely not my favorite people. I was a hostess at a party, and there were long tables everywhere. One former acquaintance came up to me and said, "didn't you get my calls?? What is going on with her??" (Talking about someone from work) I just looked at her, and walked away. (In real life I just ignored the calls and messages.) Then I was cleaning a table, while my boyfriend and another former acquaintance sat at another table. When I had known this person, she was always trying to be more and more attractive, thin, and to show everyone up. For some reason, I either had a really high cut shirt that exposed my abdomen, or no shirt on at all, and to add to it, I also had washboard abs! Now this girl, being the self centered person she was, hated the fact that I had abs because she didn't have them, and was scowling at me while I was cleaning the table. That made me feel good in the dream, and then again as I woke up. Then I ran to the mirror thinking all my hard work finally paid off, but no washboard abs! Until next dream, PAYCE.