

Not only have I been slacking on writing, but I've been slacking on the dreaming!

Since the last dream post, I've been stressing...I got into Veterinary school, which is causing alot of this stress, so I've been having some pretty negative dreams lately.

Two weeks ago, my brother left for a month for a class in Poland. The night before his trip, giving my fear of flying, I of course had a dream about it. In the dream, the airline called and told us that they could not locate the plane he was on, and it hadn't landed at the airport it was supposed to land at. I of course woke up crying.

The week after, I had a dream about both parents (in different dreams) dying as well. The one involving my dad is a valid fear, however. From my upstairs bathroom, you can stand at the mirror and look down to the left, where through a window, you can see the garage. Lately my dad has been working on the garage, just fixing up the outside, cleaning, painting, etc. I was straightening my hair in the upstairs bathroom, when for some reason, I get the urge to look out the window. So I look, and had to do a double take, because I saw my father, sprawled out on the ground, outside, not moving. The second dream, with my mother, I don't remember all that well, I just remember running through my house when someone was screaming for help with CPR. Scary none the less.