
Just don't steal my car!

Long time no see! For good reason though - veterinary school got in the way. Figured I'd start back up with a good one.

I was in a physics lab in Brooklyn doing some research. I get on a bus to leave and it's the wrong bus, that ends up in the Bronx. The bus driver said I could just take that bus right back to the physics lab. I get back, and get my car, and all of the sudden, I'm back driving in ST. Kitts. On my way back, there was an accident on the road and for some reason, I needed to pull over and reset my GPS (laughable because there are no GPSs here on the island). So I stop to fix it, and apparently I need to get out of my car to do so. When I'm about to get back to my car to get going again, I realize it's not where I left it. So I'm looking, and I knew I left it behind the ambulance, so I begin to freak out that someone stole my car. While walking around looking for it, I see someone backing up in it, and I scream, "Oh FUCK no!!" and start running towards the car. I get to the passenger door, and grab onto it, and yank the door open. (The car-jacking does not surprise me, since my roommates and I had seen one going down a few weeks ago.) The guy starts driving forward, and I use all the upper body strength I can muster, and lift myself up into the car and shut the door. I start yelling, cursing and crying at this guy, begging him not to steal my car, and I only had a little bit of time left on the island. He was telling me he was a former Ross student too, dropped out, and this was now how he was supporting himself. He then begged me to stop crying, because he actually felt bad for me. Somehow we get to talking, and realize we had a lot in common. So he drives me to my house (stupid enough to show this guy that was just trying to steal my car where I live) and he dropped me and the car off and asked for my number. Not wanting him to steal my car again, I have him my digits.

He called me later that day and just wanted to talk. We talked for hours, and then he asked if this was real, or if I had anyone else. I tell him that I have a boyfriend back in the states, stupid move on my part. He began screaming and getting upset. Trying to calm him down over the phone was useless, because he wouldn't listen. Then I remembered, he knows where I live. I go to tell my roommates, who were outside, about the whole situation. As I'm explaining it to them, I see a shadow creeping over towards the door. Realizing it's him, I run over and hold my knife (that I apparently carried with me outside) up to him, threatening, "do NOT touch my roommates or steal my car!" This turned into a wrestling match, with him trying to get the knife from my hand, and me not letting him.

When I woke up, I was most scared of working in a physics lab!