
Just don't steal my car!

Long time no see! For good reason though - veterinary school got in the way. Figured I'd start back up with a good one.

I was in a physics lab in Brooklyn doing some research. I get on a bus to leave and it's the wrong bus, that ends up in the Bronx. The bus driver said I could just take that bus right back to the physics lab. I get back, and get my car, and all of the sudden, I'm back driving in ST. Kitts. On my way back, there was an accident on the road and for some reason, I needed to pull over and reset my GPS (laughable because there are no GPSs here on the island). So I stop to fix it, and apparently I need to get out of my car to do so. When I'm about to get back to my car to get going again, I realize it's not where I left it. So I'm looking, and I knew I left it behind the ambulance, so I begin to freak out that someone stole my car. While walking around looking for it, I see someone backing up in it, and I scream, "Oh FUCK no!!" and start running towards the car. I get to the passenger door, and grab onto it, and yank the door open. (The car-jacking does not surprise me, since my roommates and I had seen one going down a few weeks ago.) The guy starts driving forward, and I use all the upper body strength I can muster, and lift myself up into the car and shut the door. I start yelling, cursing and crying at this guy, begging him not to steal my car, and I only had a little bit of time left on the island. He was telling me he was a former Ross student too, dropped out, and this was now how he was supporting himself. He then begged me to stop crying, because he actually felt bad for me. Somehow we get to talking, and realize we had a lot in common. So he drives me to my house (stupid enough to show this guy that was just trying to steal my car where I live) and he dropped me and the car off and asked for my number. Not wanting him to steal my car again, I have him my digits.

He called me later that day and just wanted to talk. We talked for hours, and then he asked if this was real, or if I had anyone else. I tell him that I have a boyfriend back in the states, stupid move on my part. He began screaming and getting upset. Trying to calm him down over the phone was useless, because he wouldn't listen. Then I remembered, he knows where I live. I go to tell my roommates, who were outside, about the whole situation. As I'm explaining it to them, I see a shadow creeping over towards the door. Realizing it's him, I run over and hold my knife (that I apparently carried with me outside) up to him, threatening, "do NOT touch my roommates or steal my car!" This turned into a wrestling match, with him trying to get the knife from my hand, and me not letting him.

When I woke up, I was most scared of working in a physics lab!



Not only have I been slacking on writing, but I've been slacking on the dreaming!

Since the last dream post, I've been stressing...I got into Veterinary school, which is causing alot of this stress, so I've been having some pretty negative dreams lately.

Two weeks ago, my brother left for a month for a class in Poland. The night before his trip, giving my fear of flying, I of course had a dream about it. In the dream, the airline called and told us that they could not locate the plane he was on, and it hadn't landed at the airport it was supposed to land at. I of course woke up crying.

The week after, I had a dream about both parents (in different dreams) dying as well. The one involving my dad is a valid fear, however. From my upstairs bathroom, you can stand at the mirror and look down to the left, where through a window, you can see the garage. Lately my dad has been working on the garage, just fixing up the outside, cleaning, painting, etc. I was straightening my hair in the upstairs bathroom, when for some reason, I get the urge to look out the window. So I look, and had to do a double take, because I saw my father, sprawled out on the ground, outside, not moving. The second dream, with my mother, I don't remember all that well, I just remember running through my house when someone was screaming for help with CPR. Scary none the less.


Nice boobs

I'm beginning to find a trend here....this last one also somewhat involved a previous acquaintance of mine that recently got a surgical enhancement. To understand this the best, one would have to know her. In my dream I was wearing this really nice long beach dress that was flattering. I had multiple people telling me that my boobs were perfect. Perfect size and perfect shape. This then upset said acquaintance.

I'm thinking my subconscious is trying to tell me I need to boost my confidence and self esteem, which I'm working on!


Rockin the washboard abs

So this one involves 2 people that are definitely not my favorite people. I was a hostess at a party, and there were long tables everywhere. One former acquaintance came up to me and said, "didn't you get my calls?? What is going on with her??" (Talking about someone from work) I just looked at her, and walked away. (In real life I just ignored the calls and messages.) Then I was cleaning a table, while my boyfriend and another former acquaintance sat at another table. When I had known this person, she was always trying to be more and more attractive, thin, and to show everyone up. For some reason, I either had a really high cut shirt that exposed my abdomen, or no shirt on at all, and to add to it, I also had washboard abs! Now this girl, being the self centered person she was, hated the fact that I had abs because she didn't have them, and was scowling at me while I was cleaning the table. That made me feel good in the dream, and then again as I woke up. Then I ran to the mirror thinking all my hard work finally paid off, but no washboard abs! Until next dream, PAYCE.


Drinking while preggers

I had a hard time sleeping at all last night so it's a wonder I had any dreams at all. There was a bunch of people away on vacation somewhere, I never knew where. We were at a nice bar, having some drinks and just hanging out. Then all of the sudden, my boyfriend was behind me, and I didn't know he was there, and I turned around to him and said, "Man, I totally forgot that I can't drink when I'm pregnant!" He turns to me and says, "and you had all of those??" pointing at the 3 empty margarita glasses in front of me. Another to add to my growing list of me-being-pregnant dreams


Too much SVU, not enough Shaun White!

So I've had a dream hiatus! Nothing noteworthy in a while! Let's see...

Two nights ago I had a dream that Shaun White and I were good friends and were hanging out. I might have to explain a little bit here though...my mom had picked out a few guys to be her future son-in-laws: first there was Derek Jeter, then a few years ago there was Apollo Ohno. Then in 2006 came the "flying tomato", Shaun White. And since the Olympics have been on this week, he's been a popular topic in my house.

Last night was a little more detailed. My parents were going away on vacation, so I was outside saying goodbye to them before they drove off. I noticed a creeper standing on our property, so after they left I just went inside and locked all the doors. Apparently I took a shower because then I was in a towel. I saw the guy outside the house looking in the windows, so I ran upstairs to my room. When I got up there I heard a door shutting, so then I was thinking, "shit, he's in the house." So I jump into my bed and pull the covers over my head as I hear him rummaging in my dad's room across the hall. I try calling 911 as quietly as I can, but the line was busy, so I try texting 911 my address and what's going on. Then my door opens, and someone sits on the bed. I then feel tapping on my shin and I peek out. He's sitting there at the edge of my bed just smiling at me. His face seems to be covered in shadow the whole time of course. Then someone else steps out from behind him. This one is someone that I know, however. The second guy just looks at me, and then grabs me from the bed and holds my arms behind my back. I try kicking but to my disappointment, it does nothing as he grabs at my towel. (Then next part is very disturbing to me, and I'm thinking I watch too much L&O: SVU, so you can imagine what happens.) Then this switches to just me and the second guy, the one that I know, but this time I'm looking right at him, and I'm not fighting. There is a second part to this dream but now that it is later I cannot remember all of it. The only part that I can recall is my "rescuer" of sorts, who is of course, none other than Shaun White.

Well hopefully this means I'll be back into my dreams! No more dream blocks!


Ok so I haven't had dreams that I remember in a WHILE....but I finally had one last night!

So my parents went to South Carolina for a few days, and they left this morning. The woke me up before they left, at like 6:30. Since I didn't have work until 1, I went back to sleep for a bit. Now I hate being in my house all alone, and with my rents gone, I have the huge house to myself (well, Pop's here, but he stays to himself in his room all day). Of course once I get back to sleep, I have a dream that there is someone trying to break into my house. First he tried climbing on the roof above the kitchen (which is right outside the window of my room) and tried getting in through my window, but I saw him and shut the window almost on his foot. Then I watch him go for the bathroom window and I run to close that one. After that he jumps off the roof and I run down the stairs to try and find where he was trying to get in next. I call 911 at some point, because the police show up. Before they come in, I find him creeping next to the stairs, and since he didn't see me, I jumped on his back and we fell to the ground. I stayed there, pinning him down until the cops came in.

Of course now this made me more paranoid about people breaking in.



The past few weeks I've been convinced I have something like ADD or the like, and I've been hearing about people taking Ritalin. So of course it was only appropriate I have a dream about it!

One of the doctors I work with was offering me some pills that were left over from school. He gave me 4, and I only took one. He asked, "what are you being a wimp for, take all 4!" So I take all 4, and I wasn't able to do work the rest of the day because I was just as relaxed as I could be without peeing myself.

Too bad this can't happen in real life ahha.