
Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?

I figured it was about time to post again.

So I'm sitting here, watching Run's House and making cupcakes with the silicone baking sheet I got for Christmas. They're not coming out too hot right now, they're very mini. Oh well, someone will eat them.

Work's going well, I got my bonus, which was awesome. I'm still pulling 10+ hours over time a week, so it's pretty much all I do now. I have dreams that people I work with are working in my room like it doesn't bother them that it's my room. People have told me these dreams mean that I've been spending too much time with these people. But what are ya gonna do, money's money.

I was talking with the head doctor at work during a surgery, and it was really a heart to heart (which, if you knew him, it is very rare). He was telling me about what it was like when he went to school, and what it was like having his wife there. He had said that they wanted to get married in the Spring, but he got his acceptance to the veterinary school in Saint Kitt's in January. So they got married on the 3rd and then she went with him the next week to his school. It made me really think about how everything is going to change if I do go to school out there. Since they have trimesters there, the program is only 2 1/2 years long, as opposed to the 4 years it would take here in the states. And because of laws being different in the Islands, if you go to school there you come out better in surgery because you can get better practice. One problem I have with all of that is a certain someone coming with me. Getting a job there is going to be close to impossible, so I don't want to make him come if he's going to be doing nothing. Also, seeing as how the program is jam packed into 2 1/2 years, you only get a week off the whole year. Either way, it would be really hard. I guess this calls for some serious thinking and talking. I just hate making decisions like this.

Well that's all on my ramblings for today. Back to cupcakes and thinking while I watch silly MTV shows.

"I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it."

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