

Last nights two dreams were a little crazy and depressing. One began with me laying in bed, sleeping (yeah sleeping in my dream haha) and I heard my dog at my door. Usually if she wants to come in my room she uses her head to push it open since it doesn't really close. So she kept trying to open it, with no luck because of the humidity expanding the wood of the door and the frame. So I went to the door to see what she was doing. She looks at me frantically, whimpering, and runs down the stairs, so I follow. She runs right to my mom, who looked passed out. She stands in front of my mom looking at me, looking back at her, so I go to my mom and she wasn't breathing. I started freaking out and thinking of what I needed to do, so I get her down onto the floor and begin CPR. Then I wake up. Very disturbing.

Number two was disturbing as well, but this one involved my dog, Cocoa. I was in the kitchen, and I think there were other people there with me. All of the sudden she fell on the floor and started to have a seizure. I was panicking, and ran over to her to hold her head. In my head I was thinking, oh no, she's dying, oh shit oh shit. Then I wake up.

I don't know what these mean, but I do not like them at all.

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