
Ok so I haven't had dreams that I remember in a WHILE....but I finally had one last night!

So my parents went to South Carolina for a few days, and they left this morning. The woke me up before they left, at like 6:30. Since I didn't have work until 1, I went back to sleep for a bit. Now I hate being in my house all alone, and with my rents gone, I have the huge house to myself (well, Pop's here, but he stays to himself in his room all day). Of course once I get back to sleep, I have a dream that there is someone trying to break into my house. First he tried climbing on the roof above the kitchen (which is right outside the window of my room) and tried getting in through my window, but I saw him and shut the window almost on his foot. Then I watch him go for the bathroom window and I run to close that one. After that he jumps off the roof and I run down the stairs to try and find where he was trying to get in next. I call 911 at some point, because the police show up. Before they come in, I find him creeping next to the stairs, and since he didn't see me, I jumped on his back and we fell to the ground. I stayed there, pinning him down until the cops came in.

Of course now this made me more paranoid about people breaking in.



The past few weeks I've been convinced I have something like ADD or the like, and I've been hearing about people taking Ritalin. So of course it was only appropriate I have a dream about it!

One of the doctors I work with was offering me some pills that were left over from school. He gave me 4, and I only took one. He asked, "what are you being a wimp for, take all 4!" So I take all 4, and I wasn't able to do work the rest of the day because I was just as relaxed as I could be without peeing myself.

Too bad this can't happen in real life ahha.



Last nights two dreams were a little crazy and depressing. One began with me laying in bed, sleeping (yeah sleeping in my dream haha) and I heard my dog at my door. Usually if she wants to come in my room she uses her head to push it open since it doesn't really close. So she kept trying to open it, with no luck because of the humidity expanding the wood of the door and the frame. So I went to the door to see what she was doing. She looks at me frantically, whimpering, and runs down the stairs, so I follow. She runs right to my mom, who looked passed out. She stands in front of my mom looking at me, looking back at her, so I go to my mom and she wasn't breathing. I started freaking out and thinking of what I needed to do, so I get her down onto the floor and begin CPR. Then I wake up. Very disturbing.

Number two was disturbing as well, but this one involved my dog, Cocoa. I was in the kitchen, and I think there were other people there with me. All of the sudden she fell on the floor and started to have a seizure. I was panicking, and ran over to her to hold her head. In my head I was thinking, oh no, she's dying, oh shit oh shit. Then I wake up.

I don't know what these mean, but I do not like them at all.



Long time, no type. I finally got some time to sit down and write a little. Last night's were two different dreams about two different ex's.

The first began with me looking at my hand, and I had an engagement ring on my hand (for those who know me, know that I don't really want to get married, so seeing a ring on my hand would freak me out ahah). So I look up, trying to figure out what's going on. I was in my bedroom, in my own place, which looked alot like my parents bedroom. I saw a wedding dress hanging on the closet door, and there were other people in dresses in my room. I walk out of the room to another part of the apartment/house and I see guys in tuxes running around. I also see my ex standing in the living room, in the fanciest tux (oddly enough, in real life he just got married). And he says to me "MJ (a pet name, long story) get back in the bedroom! I'm not supposed to see you yet today!" I didn't say anything, I just had like a "holy shit" look on my face, and I just turned around and went back into the bedroom. At that point I'm thinking, that's the guy I'm spending the rest of my life with. All this time, thinking somewhere in my dream mind, about a guy I loved so much and I was betraying him. When I woke up, I knew this guy I was thinking about was Matt.

Dream number two was a couple of friends and I were sitting at a diner. I remember for some reason, my hair was curly, I was wearing my new white-ish hoodie and a nice blue halter shirt. I had my arms folded on the table, with my head resting in them, kind of hiding my face. An ex of mine walks by, and I thought he hadn't seen me. I watch him go towards the window where they put all the prepared food before the waitress' bring it to the tables. He grabs a plate from the window, and it just has a pickle on it (I LOVE pickles, haha, despite all the dirty jokes), and strangely enough, I remember the pickle was cut 4 times lengthwise.. So he brings me the plate and puts it right in front of me and then sits there, across the table from me.



Last night, before I went to bed, I saw these really cool videos on lightning (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nh15VjGkK5Y). Also, I think there was a thunder/lightning storm overnight. Between the two of these, of course I have a dream about it.

I was in a cabin/tent/shack thing, and I needed to get back to the main building of where ever I was. It started raining and thundering like mad, of course when I needed to get out of there. Then the lightning started getting really close. It then began striking right in front of us. It wasn't as loud as one might think a lightning strike might be when it's a couple yards away. I decided to make a run for it, and attempted to run to the main building, dodging lightning strikes right in front of me. At least I made it to the main building after all that dodging.



So last night's dreams was more like just playing out different scenarios on how today was going to go, just very detailed. The place where I work is on Victory Blvd, the part of Victory that was going to get shut down for the parade from 11:30a - 3p, and there are no real side streets that are close to park on and get out of there. We're closed on the 4th, but we still need people to come in to walk/feed/check on the boarders that are there. Seeing as how I am going to my boyfriends for the remainder of the weekend, I wanted to make sure we were out of there by 11a so we didn't get stuck there watching the parade.

My dreams all pretty much started the same way, we were cleaning and walking and ish. One ended in us getting out on time, so that one was good. Another ended in us finishing rightt as they were shutting down the street, so we were stuck and we proceeded to sit on the roof of our job and watch the parade go by. A third version was that I was fighting with the cops to let us off the street because I really needed to get out of there. Let's just say some things got out of hand and I had to watch the parade from the back of the 5-0 car. I think the last one ended in me just backing out of the driveway onto the street and going with the parade. Thankfully the first one is the one that actually happened.


Rain rain go away

Soo awesome summer, eh? Not much of a summer...it's more like April showers bring...May and June showers. Hopefully July is going to be better.

I decided to make this blog mostly about my dreams, just so I can remember them and possibly go back later on and read them. I tried to write them down in pen in a journal but I would forget about the journal or lose it or something, so I figured this was a little more convenient.

My dream last night I don't remember much of by now, since it's 10:30p. What I do remember though is waking up one day and my car was all smashed up in my yard. The front was dented in as if I got in a head on collision, and there were cracks all over the windows, as if it was also beaten with a bat. I was freaking out about what happened and that I have to get it fixed in order to sell it before I go to back school. My mom was yelling at me asking if I was drunk when I drove home the night before, but I couldn't remember anything that had happened that night. I woke up looking out my window to make sure my car was ok.


Quiz time!

Welcome to the 2009 edition of getting to know your family and friends!

Here is what you are supposed to do - try not to be lame and spoil the fun!!

Change all the answers so they apply to you and send this on to people you know, INCLUDING the person who sent it to you!

The easiest and cleanest way to pass it along is to "Copy and Paste" this email instead of forwarding - makes it much easier to change the answers to your own after reading about your family and friends!!

Have FUN and be TRUTHFUL!!

1. What is your occupation right now? Veterinary Technician.

2. What color are your socks you are wearing at this moment? White with blue plaid.

3. What are you listening to right now? Some show my father is watching on the Discovery Channel.

4. What was the last thing you ate? An Oreo.

5. Can you drive a stick shift? If I still remember how.

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone or sent a text message to? Eric.

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yeah, my mom's alright.

8. How old are you today? 23 in 2 days.

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV? Baseball!

10. What is your favorite drink? Iced tea.

11. Have you ever dyed your hair? Uh, yeah.

12. What is your favorite food? Mac and cheese and watermelon.

13. What is the last movie you watched? Bewitched.

14. What is your favorite day of the year? The first day of summer weather!

15. How do you vent anger? I slam doors.

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? A Bert doll or my Puffalump doll named Puffy.

17. What is your favorite season? Summer.

18. Cherries or blueberries? Cherries.

19. Do you want your friends & family to email you back? Yeah, that would be nice haha.

20. Who is the most likely to respond? Probably no one haha.

21. Who is the least likely to respond? Everyone.

22. Living arrangements? Mom, Dad, Pop and his cat Tiger, my dog Cocoa, and brother Eric when he's off of school.

23. When was the last time you cried? Thursday, because we had to bury my cat, Paul.

24. What is on the floor of your closet? Boots, laundry basket and some crap my dad wont throw out.

25. Who is the friend you have had the longest that you are sending this to? Maria and Lana.

26. What did you do last night? Worked, came home, then went out to a bar with Jenna.

27. What are you afraid of the most? My teeth falling out or getting an incurable disease.

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers? Cheesy and spicy!

29. Favorite breed of dog? Any kind, really. I like bigger dogs best though.

30. Favorite day of the week? None really, because I work on most of them.

31. How many states have you lived in? 1.

32. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.

33. What is your favorite flower? I have no idea.

34. What is your favorite color? Green.

35. New favorite Internet site? www.fmylife.com


Hey, I'll tell you what. You can get a good look at a butcher's ass by sticking your head up there. But, wouldn't you rather to take his word for it?

I figured it was about time to post again.

So I'm sitting here, watching Run's House and making cupcakes with the silicone baking sheet I got for Christmas. They're not coming out too hot right now, they're very mini. Oh well, someone will eat them.

Work's going well, I got my bonus, which was awesome. I'm still pulling 10+ hours over time a week, so it's pretty much all I do now. I have dreams that people I work with are working in my room like it doesn't bother them that it's my room. People have told me these dreams mean that I've been spending too much time with these people. But what are ya gonna do, money's money.

I was talking with the head doctor at work during a surgery, and it was really a heart to heart (which, if you knew him, it is very rare). He was telling me about what it was like when he went to school, and what it was like having his wife there. He had said that they wanted to get married in the Spring, but he got his acceptance to the veterinary school in Saint Kitt's in January. So they got married on the 3rd and then she went with him the next week to his school. It made me really think about how everything is going to change if I do go to school out there. Since they have trimesters there, the program is only 2 1/2 years long, as opposed to the 4 years it would take here in the states. And because of laws being different in the Islands, if you go to school there you come out better in surgery because you can get better practice. One problem I have with all of that is a certain someone coming with me. Getting a job there is going to be close to impossible, so I don't want to make him come if he's going to be doing nothing. Also, seeing as how the program is jam packed into 2 1/2 years, you only get a week off the whole year. Either way, it would be really hard. I guess this calls for some serious thinking and talking. I just hate making decisions like this.

Well that's all on my ramblings for today. Back to cupcakes and thinking while I watch silly MTV shows.

"I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a bull's ass, but I'd rather take a butcher's word for it."